วันพุธที่ 29 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

"Wayzata Today" - Sun-Sailor webcast for Monday, Feb. 9,

Presbyterian Homes announced last Friday that workers will drive about 20 test piles into three sites in the Wayzata Bay Center parking lot the week of Feb. 16 to 21. Long sections of pipe 7 to 9 inches in diameter, the piles will be driven to various depths, the deepest estimated to be about 120 feet. They will be of two varieties - foundation supports and so-called "energy piles," which will have geothermal piping in them. The piles will be tested over multiple weeks to confirm the load-bearing capacity of the foundation piles and the geothermal capacity of the energy piles. At the conclusion of the tests, the foundation design can be finalized and engineers can determine the scope that geothermal energy will play in both heating and cooling the new Bay Center. In a story by Marc Ingber posted to our website over the weekend, Ed Briesemeister, managing director of the Wayzata Bay Redevelopment Company, said that "a major theme of the Bay Center Redevelopment has been sustainability and minimizing resource use wherever possible" and that this is another exam of that objective. The Orono City Council will meet tonight at 7 pm The council will consider a conditional use permit for the Wayzata Country Club, which hopes to convert a ditch with wetland qualities to a pond and to excavate three other areas on the property to provide for replacement of the wetland. The Orono Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval at its Jan. 20 meeting. The council will also ...


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